- In a two-step method called metering and billing, MUWASCO gives its clients a certain volume of water for a set price over a set period of time.
- MUWASCO uses meter readings taken periodically over the course of a billing cycle for each region to calculate the amount of water that account holders use.
- These readings determine the customer's monthly bill and help customers better understand their costs and water usage when used in conjunction with the per-unit
rates outlined in the water-tariff guide. - Additionally, metering enables MUWASCO to educate customers, typically about water demand and pricing..
We undertake to:
a) Guide our customers through the process of water connection
b) Provide quality and well calibrated water meters to all customers and to read them in a regular 30-days cycle.
c) Deliver all customer bills by the 1st week of the month
d) Educate our customers on meter security, reading, billing, disconnection and reconnection processes.
e) Service all stuck meters
f) Replace all faulty meters on a monthly basis
g) Enforce all applicable fines and penalties on willful damage to meters, bypasses, illegal connections and any other malpractices as stipulated in the tariff.
h) In the event of wrong billing, debits/credits will be approved by the company as per the laid down policies. No billing complaints will be accepted after the expiry of 3 months from the date of billing.